people around me in this campus always talk 2 me about 2 find find sumone 4 me as my 'couple'
last 2 or 3 days Khairul asked me 2 go n talk to AYU civilliant student after our calculus test when we'll want goiing downstair from DTT....
I said "not suitable la.., don't want ar" huhu..
don't want 2 think about it..
just now at dining hall, my oc Idris told me that one of management civilliant lady student name...erm i'm 4got what her name...
Idris said her face look like my face...
perh.. i'm quite shock..
really??! then Idris ask Syidi 2 make me trust him...
yes, Syidi made confirmation 4 taht statement that girl face look like my face...
then, Idris said that girl was so nice and her voice is good.. not her singing voice but talking voice la... Idris asked me to tackle that girl.. perh...
let me see her first
i don't want 2 think about this at this time la..
final exam is just around the corner friends...
this week i will seat 4 my Muet Speking test and second test 4 my Chemist n Physics subjectt..
but then i really want 2 see that girl..
i think it's really funny when i try 2 imagine my face with scarf.. hua3..
that all 4 this post..
i got to go..
iwant to study 4 my test n my final exam..
see you next time....
hah, cari la sorang wahai pak ku.....hehe
tgh m'cri lsa ne
mr ben....
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